hub – Top level functions and classes

This is the entry point for using the hub API. The hub package contains dedicated modules such as hub.port and hub.display, as shown in the menu on the left. It also contains a few attributes, functions, and classes, which are documented on this page.



The firmware version of the form 'v1.0.06.0034-b0c335b', consisting of the components:

v major . minor . bugfix . build - hash.


Dictionary of hub configuration variables.

You can override its default values in or add your own entries. This dictionary is accessible to all of your programs until you reboot the hub.

The values in hub.config[] are evaluated in the following order of increasing priority:

  1. Default value as described below. Note that there will be no corresponding entry in hub.config[]

  2. If the file /etc/hub_config exists and has no syntax errors then it is evaluated and may update or create values in hub.config[].

  3. If the file exists and has no syntax errors then it is evaluated and may update or create values in hub.config[]. After evaluating the one-time post boot initialization happens.

  4. If the file exists and has no syntax errors then it is evaluated and may update or create values in hub.config[].

  5. Any user supplied file or console commands may override an entry in hub.config[].

By default hub.config[] has the following entries:

  • hostname: Identifies the hub in various places such as Bluetooth advertising. This value is read from /etc/hostname.

  • lwp_advertise: Configures whether the firmware should control BLE advertising using the LEGO Wireless Protocol. A positive value enables advertising after the given duration (ms) after boot. Set to 0 to disable advertising.

  • bt_discoverable: Configures whether the hub should be discoverable with Bluetooth classic. A positive value makes it discoverable after the given duration after boot. Set to 0 to disable discoverability.

  • disconnect_behavior_enabled: If True, hub shuts down automatically after some time if no Bluetooth connection is made.

  • lwp_bypass: If True, the firmware will not process LEGO Wireless Protocol commands. It is False by default.

  • disable_usb_poweron: If this key exists, the hub will not start up again if USB is connected after shutdown.

  • powerdown_timeout: Sets the inactivity timeout (ms) before the hub shuts down. Set to 0 to disable automatic shutdown.

  • device_get_can_return_float: Configures whether a device (sensor or motor) returns an integer or float as a result of executing the get() method. Default value is False.


Gets a dictionary of the form:

    # System performance information.
    '1ms_tick_min': 329000.0,
    '1ms_tick_on_time': 99.9991,
    '1ms_tick_miss': 131,
    '1ms_tick_max': 7.32e+06,
    '1ms_tick_total': 14702993,

    # Product variant.
    # Other = 0
    # MINDSTORMS Inventor Hub = 1
    'product_variant': 1,

    # PCB version.
    'hardware_version': 'Version_E',

    # Unique identifier of your hub.
    'device_uuid': '03970000-3B00-3B00-1451-383332353732'

Hub information dictionary similar to the example above.


Gets the state of internal sensors, external devices, and the display.

This gives a dictionary equivalent to:

    'gyroscope': motion.gyroscope(),
    'position': motion.position(),
    'accelerometer': motion.accelerometer(),
    'port': {
        'A': port.A.get(),
        'B': port.B.get(),
        'C': port.C.get(),
        'D': port.D.get(),
        'E': port.E.get(),
        'F': port.F.get(),

Further details can be obtained on the hub.motion, hub.display, and Port pages.


Status dictionary as given above.

hub.power_off(fast=True, restart=False)None

Turns the hub off, or sets a timeout to turn off after inactivity.

Keyword Arguments
  • fast – Select True for fast shut down, without the usual light animation and sound.

  • restart – Select True to reboot after shutting down.

  • timeout – Sets the inactivity timeout before the hub shuts down automatically.

hub.repl_restart(restart: bool)None

Resets the REPL and clears all variables.


restart – Select True to restart. If this argument is False or not given at all, nothing happens.


Gets the temperature of the hub.


The temperature in degrees Celsius.

hub.led(color: int)None
hub.led(red: int, green: int, blue: int)None
hub.led(color: Tuple[int, int, int])None

Sets the color of the LED in the center button of the hub.



Choose one of these formats:

  • Color code:

    • 0 = off

    • 1 = pink

    • 2 = violet

    • 3 = blue

    • 4 = turquoise

    • 5 = light green

    • 6 = green

    • 7 = yellow

    • 8 = orange

    • 9 = red

    • 10 = white

    • Any other value gives dim white light.

  • RGB mode: You provide the intensity for red, green, and blue light separately. Each value must be between 0 and 255.

  • Tuple mode. This works just like RGB mode, but you can provide all three values in a single tuple.

hub.file_transfer(filename: str, filesize: int, packetsize=1000, timeout=2000, mode=None)None

Prepares a file transfer to the hub.

After calling this function, press CTRL+F or send \x06 to start the actual transfer. Bytes sent after this will be written to the specified file on the hub. Once the transfer is complete or fails, the REPL resumes control.

Auto-detection of transfer interface (USB or Bluetooth) is enabled. The first interface that receives a good package within the specified timeout, will be used for the rest of the transfer.

  • filename – Absolute path to the file. The containing folder must already exist.

  • filesize – Size of the file to be transferred, expressed as a number of bytes. The size must not exceed the remaining amount of storage space.

  • packetsize – Size of each packet. The packet is not written until it is received in full.

  • mode – String with optional file transfer settings. Choose 'a' to make the hub send ACK or NAK after each packet. Doing so is recommended for USB transfers but not for Bluetooth Classic transfers.


OSError (ETIMEDOUT) – If the transfer was started but the expected data was not received within the timeout.


hub.TOP = 0

The top of the hub. This is the side with the matrix display.

hub.FRONT = 1

The front of the hub. This is the side with the USB port.

hub.RIGHT = 2

The right side of the hub. This is the side with ports B, D, and F.

hub.BOTTOM = 3

The bottom side of the hub. This is the side of the battery compartment.

hub.BACK = 4

The back side of the hub. This is the side with the speaker.

hub.LEFT = 5

The left side of the hub. This is the side with ports A, C, and E.