
Message encoding and framing can be broken into three steps:

  1. Byte values 0x00, 0x01, and 0x02 are escaped using COBS.

  2. All bytes are XORed with 0x03 to ensure output contains no problematic control characters.

  3. A delimiter is added to the end of the message.

Deframing and decoding is the reverse of these steps.

Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing (COBS)

COBS is an algorithm that can be used to escape certain values in a byte stream with a minimal overhead. This frees up the values to be used for special purposes, such as message delimiters or other control characters.

The typical implementations of COBS only escape 0x00, but the SPIKE™ Prime implementation additionally escapes 0x01 and 0x02, as they are used for message delimiters.

Delimeters are replaced with a special code word that indicates the number of bytes until the next delimiter and its value. The code word is calculated as follows:

\[\text{code_word} = \text{block_size} + 2 + \text{delimiter} \times 84\]

The minimum value of \(\text{block_size}\) is 1, as it will aways contain at least the code word itself. Therefore, by adding 2, the minimum value of \(\text{code_word}\) is 3, ensuring no overlap with any delimiters.

This leaves 0xFF - 3 bytes to be used for the block size, which must be divided by 3 (the number of different delimiters), resulting in a maximum block size of 84.

For blocks with no delimiters, the code word \(255\) is used. Thus, the code word can be decoded as follows:

Code word

Block size


\(0 \leq n \leq 2\)



\(3 \leq n \leq 86\)

\(n - 3\)


\(87 \leq n \leq 170\)

\(n - 87\)


\(171 \leq n \leq 254\)

\(n - 171\)





It’s important that the encoded output always begins with a valid code word (i.e. the first byte is not a delimiter). This provides the decoder with a known starting point, allowing it to correctly decode the rest of the message.

Below are sample implementations of the COBS encoding and decoding algorithms in Python:

COBS encoding algorithm
def encode(data: bytes):
    Encode data using COBS algorithm, such that no delimiters are present.
    buffer = bytearray()
    code_index = block = 0
    def begin_block():
        """Append code word to buffer and update code_index and block"""
        nonlocal code_index, block
        code_index = len(buffer)  # index of incomplete code word
        buffer.append(NO_DELIMITER)  # updated later if delimiter is encountered
        block = 1  # no. of bytes in block (incl. code word)

    for byte in data:
        if byte > DELIMITER:
            # non-delimeter value, write as-is
            block += 1

        if byte <= DELIMITER or block > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE:
            # block completed because size limit reached or delimiter found
            if byte <= DELIMITER:
                # reason for block completion is delimiter
                # update code word to reflect block size
                delimiter_base = byte * MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
                block_offset = block + COBS_CODE_OFFSET
                buffer[code_index] = delimiter_base + block_offset
            # begin new block

    # update final code word
    buffer[code_index] = block + COBS_CODE_OFFSET

    return buffer
COBS decoding algorithm
def decode(data: bytes):
    Decode data using COBS algorithm.
    buffer = bytearray()

    def unescape(code: int):
        """Decode code word, returning value and block size"""
        if code == 0xFF:
            # no delimiter in block
            return None, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + 1
        value, block = divmod(code - COBS_CODE_OFFSET, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)
        if block == 0:
            # maximum block size ending with delimiter
            block = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
            value -= 1
        return value, block

    value, block = unescape(data[0])
    for byte in data[1:]:  # first byte already processed
        block -= 1
        if block > 0:

        # block completed
        if value is not None:

        value, block = unescape(byte)

    return buffer

Escaping and framing

After encoding the data with COBS as described above, the data will contain no bytes with a value of 0x00, 0x01, or 0x02.

In SPIKE™ Prime, the values 0x01 and 0x02 are used as message delimiters. 0x01 signifies the start of a high-priority message, and 0x02 signifies the end of a message (and implicitly the start or resumption of a low-priority message).

In addition to the delimiters 0x01 and 0x02, the value 0x03 must also be replaced, as it carries special meaning in the SPIKE™ Prime protocol. To ensure that the output contains no bytes with a value of 0x03, all bytes are bitwise XORed with 0x03. This effectively shifts the byte values by 3, turning 0x03 into 0x00 and vice versa, but because the COBS algorithm already removed any 0x00 bytes, the result will contain no 0x03 bytes.

Finally, the message is framed by (optionally) prefixing it with 0x01, and (always) suffixing it with 0x02. See example below:

Encode, escape, frame
def pack(data: bytes):
    Encode and frame data for transmission.
    buffer = encode(data)

    # XOR buffer to remove problematic ctrl+C
    for i in range(len(buffer)):
        buffer[i] ^= XOR

    # add delimiter
    return bytes(buffer)

Deframing and unescaping

As bytes are received, they should be buffered into their respective priority queues until a complete message is received, as indicated by the presence of 0x02.

The table below shows how to interpret each delimiter depending on the state of transmission:


Message in progress





Start of high-priority message

Start buffering into high-priority queue



Illegal state

Sync error, clear queues and start buffering into high-priority queue



Start of high-priority message

Pause buffering of low-priority message and start buffering into high-priority queue



Start of low-priority message

Start buffering into low-priority queue



End of high-priority message

Process high-priority message, empty high-priority queue and start buffering into low-priority queue



End of low-priority message

Process low-priority message and empty low-priority queue

When a message is completed, it can be deframed by removing any leading 0x01 and trailing 0x02 bytes. The remaining bytes can then be unescaped by reversing the XOR operation and then COBS decoded as described above.

Below is an example of how to deframe and unescape a message in Python:

Deframe, unescape, decode
def unpack(frame: bytes):
    Unframe and decode frame.
    start = 0
    if frame[0] == 0x01:  # unused priority byte
        start += 1
    # unframe and XOR
    unframed = bytes(map(lambda x: x ^ XOR, frame[start:-1]))
    return bytes(decode(unframed))